Recalls — Top Shelf Cultivation

Voluntary Recall Notice

Licensee: The Back House, Inc. (C11-0000071-LIC)

The Back House, Inc. is issuing this notice of voluntary recall due to the

presence of microbial contaminant Aspergillus for:

Skywalker OG

Batch : SKYOG11924

UID: 1A4060300008D10000007474

If you have sold this product to your customer(s) please use the enclosed notice to post

in a prominent place and offer refunds to the customers to return the goods and we will

reimburse your refund.

Please email Please note that the recalled cannabis good(s) shall be rendered unusable and disposed of at your licensed premises in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, title 4, section 17223. Destruction of the recalled cannabis good(s) must be done under video surveillance consistent with California Code of Regulations, title 4, section 15044. Prior to destroying the cannabis good(s), a package adjustment must be performed in CCTT-Metrc to update your inventory to the correct quantities pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, title 4, sections 15049, subdivision (c)(6) and 15051. 


If you purchased Top Shelf Cultivation’s Skywalker OG under the batch listed

below, it is subject to a voluntary recall due to presence of microbial contaminant

Aspergillus. If you still have the product and would like to voluntarily return it,

please return it and we will issue a refund or store credit.

Skywalker OG

Batch : SKYOG11924

UID: 1A4060300008D10000007474

For any further questions please email

What Consumers Need to Know:

If you purchased this product:

● If you are experiencing symptoms or any adverse reactions, contact your

physician immediately.

● Check your package for the UID and batch number(s) above.

● If the numbers match, dispose of the product or return it to the retailer for

proper disposal.